Studia Europejskie (Mar 2024)
An Identification of Trends in the Functioning of Organisations in the Context of Their Impact on the Level of Employment in Ukraine
Unique knowledge, reinforced by organisational experience and combined with resources and technologies, forms the competence of organisations, thereby determining the possibility of market success. The need to ensure it in the context of influencing the employment level of a population shifts attention from external factors to the internal properties of organisations as a prerequisite for achieving high performance levels. The status of organisations of different business groups in terms of their impact on employment in Ukraine is defined in the following pages of this article. The inexpediency of considering the indicators of the number of organisations in Ukraine and the intensity of their creation as a factor of employment growth was substantiated, since, despite the absolute quantitative advantage of small organisations (95.2%), it is medium-sized organisations that occupy the leading positions in providing employment in Ukraine (47%). It is noted that the higher level of profitability of large and medium-sized organisations, as an indicator of financial success, can be associated with a wider list of available competencies, in particular, those that are part of the synergistic component of an organisation’s competence and which provide advantages that are almost unreproducible by competitors, and thus, market leadership positions. The complexity of the development of such competencies among small businesses, which should focus on the competencies of a key component, is substantiated. Using the component will open access to new knowledge, experience, methods of managing resources, and business processes. The logical conclusion manifest itself in the importance of developing competent organisations capable of: achieving high financial results; creating jobs with a competitive level of pay; and contributing to the balance of the labour market. The identified disparities in labour supply and demand indicators exacerbate the problem of their balance along with ensuring productive employment, which is often caused by the professional and qualification mismatch of employees with employers’ current requirements and their incompetence in certain areas of activity. This is the reason for directing research to find ways to develop competent organisations capable of attracting employees with a wide range of knowledge, a willingness to learn, and who are able to adapt to changes in exchange for decent remuneration. A distinctive feature of this study is the consideration of the trends of the functioning of organisations not only from the standpoint of influence on the level of employment in Ukraine, but also as evidence of the manifestation of a certain level of competence, which will become the basis for the development of its components in order to ensure the effective operation of organisations on the market.