Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology (SJST) (Feb 2023)
Jasmine essential oil promotes delta-beta power activities in the dorsal hippocampus under slow wave sleep promotion
Analyzing sleep electroencephalography (EEG) data can provide insights from application of basic principles of signal analysis (filtering, sampling, and spectral processing). This study investigated whether jasmine essential oil (JEO) intake differed in sleep EEG patterns from sedative drug intake. Adult male Swiss Albino (ICR) mice treated with distilled water, jasmine essential oil and lorazepam administration were assessed for sleep stages offline from the dorsal hippocampal brain activity. Two-way repeated measures ANOVA revealed that JEO reduced the wakening duration while increasing NREM sleep following 60 minutes of intake to the end of the 3-hour recording, in comparison to water gavage. Their pharmaco-EEG fingerprints after a single intake of jasmine oil and lorazepam showed a high power-level of delta and beta frequencies in the first 30 minutes of recording. A dramatic decrease in gamma2 power activity was observed only after lorazepam was administered. Slow wave activity within the hippocampus was a highlight of the scent relaxant as promoter of non-REM sleep.