Language Value (Dec 2018)

Teaching apps for the learning of language through sports: Technology and sports in the English and Spanish as a L2/FL classroom

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Author/s Carla Mª Botella Tejera Mª Mar Galindo Merino University of Alicante, Spain ABSTRACT This paper presents a selection of teaching apps for the teaching and learning of both English and Spanish through sports. In the frame of a funded research project on Applied Linguistics to the teaching of modern languages through sports (Galindo Merino, 2016a), one of our aims is to apply ICT to this teaching approach (Botella Tejera et al., 2016; Sellés et al., 2016). Thus, 17 apps related to the teaching of languages through sports are explored. Specifically, we have selected different kinds of apps: language-based apps, language learning apps, three specific English through sports apps, and sport journals and TV channels apps. After presenting and analyzing them, we provide a wide range of activities to include them in the language classroom, in line with recent developments in task-based language teaching with technology..
