Oléagineux, Corps gras, Lipides (May 2010)
Nouveau contexte environnemental et réglementaire : quel impact pour la culture du tournesol ?
This paper tries to analyze the influences of changes in the environmental and regulatory context on the perspectives of development of sunflower in France and the European Union. From the perspective of the European Directive 2009/28/EC on renewable energy, results of sunflower in French conditions, for energy balance and greenhouse gas emission, appear quite satisfying. In a context of reduced uses of plant protection products, sunflower crop presents some advantages because of the strong investment in the past with respect to tolerance to diseases and pests. Where scenarios of limitation of summer irrigation would repeat, the sunflower could be promoted. Sunflower has the characteristic of being few demanding in mineral fertilizer. All these points show than sunflower presents many advantages with respect to recent developments in context, which are making more necessary than ever research efforts for improvement of yields.