Archives of Pediatric Neurosurgery (Mar 2022)

Quadrigeminal arachnoid cyst: a case report

  • Felipe Gutierrez Pineda

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4, no. 2(May-August)
pp. e1012022 – e1012022


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Quadrigeminal arachnoid cyst are one of the rarest form of intracranial arachnoid cyst, this unique congenital malformation posses an special risk for hydrocephalus and neurological symptoms due to its proximity to the aqueduct and the brain stem. The treatment for this cyst tends to be surgical in cases when intracranial hypertension presents by hydrocephalus. Few cases of non surgical treatment of quadrigeminal arachnoid cyst with clinical follow up has been studied in global literature . Here it’s a case of a young patient with quadrigeminal arachnoid cyst with clinical monitoring for three years without any change in symptoms and without any neurological deterioration over the time
