Jurnal Psikologi Ulayat: Indonesian Journal of Indigenous Psychology (Jan 2012)
Sexual harassment occurs everywhere, anytime, against especially toward women. This study attempts to find the difference in sexual harassment coping strategies’ based on Eysenck personality type (extrovert-introvert). There are two kinds of coping strategies: a) problem focused coping and b) emotion focused coping. The instrument in this research is a questionnaire that was given to young adulthood women (20-40 years old). Subjects in this research are 192 female. The mean score of problem focused coping dimension is 42.14 (SD=7.64) and the mean score of emotion focused coping dimension is 37.02 (SD=4.19) on women who have introvert personality type. The mean score of problem focused coping dimension is 48.60 (SD=6.69) and the mean score of emotion focused coping dimension is 38.02 (SD=4.02) on women who have extravert personality type. Research hypothesis was denied; c2 (1) =0.537, sig/p 0.449> 0.05 thus there is no difference in women coping strategies as victim of sexual harassment. --- Pelecehan seksual dapat terjadi dimana saja, setiap waktu dan terutama terhadap perempuan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan strategi coping perempuan korban pelecehan seksual ditinjau dari tipe kepribadian “Eysenck” (ekstrovert- introvert). Strategi coping meliputi dua jenis yaitu: a) problem focused coping dan b) emotion focused coping. Penelitian ini menggunakan instrumen berupa kuesioner yang diperuntukkan bagi perempuan dewasa muda (20-40 tahun). Subyek penelitian sebanyak 192 orang. Perempuan bertipe kepribadian introvert memiliki nilai rata-rata pada dimensi problem focused coping 42.14 (SD=7.64), sementara dimensi emotion focused coping memiliki nilai rata-rata 37.02 (SD=4.19). Perempuan bertipe kepribadian ekstrovert memiliki nilai rata-rata pada dimensi problem focused coping 48.60 (SD=6.69) sementara penelitian tidak terbukti, χ (1)= 0.537, sig/p 0.449> 0.05 yang berarti tidak ada perbedaan strategi coping pada perempuan korban pelecehan seksual bertipe kepribadian ekstrovert dan tipe kepribadian introvert.