Jiàoyù zīliào yǔ túshūguǎn xué (Nov 2012)
國小一年級資訊素養教育課程實施成效之探討 Effectiveness of First-Grade Information Literacy Instruction
本研究旨在評估由研究者與合作老師發展並實際實施之國小一年級資訊素養教育課程的成效,及師生和家長對此課程的意見與學生的自我評估。此課程中的圖書館素養和圖像媒體素養為本研究主要探討的範圍。整個研究進行一年,以參與觀察、訪談、測驗與問卷等方法來蒐集資料。研究結果顯示經過一學年資訊素養課程的教導,學生的圖書館素養和圖像媒體素養皆有進步,但較不喜歡涉及閱讀和寫作的單元;老師和家長都認為資訊素養可幫助其它領域的學習,且須循序漸進地教導。The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of first-grade information literacy instruction and students’, teacher’s as well as parents’opinions towards the curriculum. The fields of library literacy and media literacy of this curriculum were the focuses of this study, which lasted for a year. The data were gathered through participant observations, interviews, tests and surveys. The results showed that students’ library and media literacy were improved; they did not like the units involving reading and writing, though their performance on them was fine. Both teachers and parents thought information literacy instruction would help other subjects learning and should be taught systematically.