Journal Of Babylon Center For Humanities Studies (Jan 2021)
أبو الريحان محمد بن أحمد البيروني الخوارزمي(ت.440 هـ _1048م) (مصنفاته العلمية و اهتمام العلماء بنشر تراثه العلمي) ABU-EL-RAIHAN MOHAMED IBN AHMED AL-BIRUNI EL-KHAWARIZMI: (HIS SCIENTIFIC WORKS AND THE INTEREST OF SCIENTISTS IN PUBLISHING HIS SCIENTIFIC HERITAGE)
Orientalists were interested in studying the life and scientific heritage of AL Biruni because it represents a historical era ais the culmination of Islamic civilization . Al-Biruni era was approximately the last third of fourth century AH and the first half of the fifth century AH corresponding to the last qarter of the tenth century AD and the first half of the eleventh century AD. It is an era of political and military unrest but it was replete with geniuses of science literature and diverse arts who have left a profound impact on the development of science and dissemination of culture and deepening philosophy.Suffice it to say the era of Al-Biruni is the same age of Ibn Sina and AL-Maari . During the modern European Renaissance in Europe scholars agree that the 11th century is the era of Peronism the greatest of Islam the world of scientists the most intelligent and the most astronomical. His name is the most prominent name in the processions of encyclopedic scholars characterized by the golden age of Islam which made Orientalists specialize in the study and translation of scientific heritage.