Indian Journal of Ophthalmology (Jan 2011)
Late occurrence of granular dystrophy in bilateral keratoconus: Penetrating keratoplasty and long-term follow-up
- Varsha M Rathi,
- Geeta K Vemuganti,
- Virender S Sangwan,
- Chitra Kannabiran
- Varsha M Rathi
- Geeta K Vemuganti
- Virender S Sangwan
- Chitra Kannabiran
- Journal volume & issue
Vol. 59,
no. 5
pp. 398 – 400
We report a rare case of keratoconus with granular dystrophy with a follow-up of two decades, documenting the sequential presentation of two diseases confirmed by histology and genetic studies. A 13-year-old boy was diagnosed in 1988 with keratoconus in both eyes (BE) based on slit-lamp biomicroscopy findings of corneal ectasia in BE accompanied by Fleischer′s ring, Vogt′s striae, a small, old, healed hydrops. The left eye (LE) had central corneal thinning and scar in the central area involving the mid and posterior stroma secondary to healed hydrops. Penetrating keratoplasty (PKP) was advised. The boy was lost to follow-up till 1991 and presented with white, dot-like opacities in the central cornea in the RE only, suggestive of granular corneal dystrophy. Similar findings of white, dot-like opacities were noted in the LE in 1995 and the patient subsequently underwent PKP in BE. Histopathology of corneal buttons confirmed the presence of patchy, crystal-like orange deposits, which stained bright red with Masson′s trichrome. Mutational analysis of the TGFBI gene in patient′s DNA revealed a heterozygous mutation corresponding to a change in Arg555Trp in the keratoepithelin protein. Granular dystrophy recurred after 8 years in the RE.
- Pediatric traumatic cataract
- primary posterior capsulotomy
- posterior capsule opacification
- square-edge intraocular lens
- visual axis opacification
- Multifocal electroretinogram
- principal components′
- analysis
- retinitis pigmentosa
- Behcet′s disease
- HLA-B51
- optical coherence tomography
- macular hole
- Graves′ ophthalmopathy
- thyroid eye disease
- unilateral
- Assam
- corneal ulcer
- fusarium
- mycotic keratitis
- Antifungal sensitivity testing
- amphotericin B
- Aspergillus
- fungal keratitis
- polymerase chain reaction--single-stranded conformational polymorphism.
- Lid coloboma
- limbal dermoid
- nasopalpebral lipoma-coloboma syndrome
- Bilateral
- breast metastasis
- extraocular muscle
- Conventional dacryocystorhinostomy
- trans-canalicular laser-assisted dacryocystorhinostomy
- Eye surgery
- operation theater
- parental presence
- squint surgery
- witnessing a surgery
- Centrocecal visual field defect
- cilioretinal artery occlusion
- fluorescein angiogram
- intranasal cocaine
- Caesarean section
- epidural anesthesia
- Horner′s syndrome
- Acute myeloid leukemia
- hypopyon
- masquerade syndrome
- Low-fluence photodynamic therapy
- choroidal neovascular membrane
- choroidal osteoma
- ranibizumab
- Cataract surgery
- perfluorocarbon liquid
- postoperative inflammation
- Bilateral keratoconus
- granular dystrophy
- late occurrence