Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia (Feb 2008)
A expressão da proteína p16 e herpes simples vírus tipo 2 em lesões pré-neoplásicas e neoplásicas do colo do útero Immunohistochemical expression of p16 and herpes simplex virus type 2 in squamous intraepithelial lesions and cervical cancer
OBJETIVO: demonstrar a expressão de biomarcadores, detectados por técnicas de imunohistoquímica, em tecidos sadios, lesões pré-neoplásicas e neoplásicas do colo do útero. MÉTODOS: para avaliação da reatividade imunohistoquímica de tecidos do colo do útero ao p16 e ao herpes simples vírus tipo 2 (HSV-2), foram avaliadas 187 amostras de lesões intra-epiteliais de baixo grau (LIE-BG) e lesões intra-epiteliais de alto grau (LIE-AG) e carcinoma do colo do útero, e comparadas com grupo de pacientes sem lesões no colo uterino. A análise estatística foi realizada pelo teste do chi2 para tendências. O nível de significância foi de alfa=0,05. RESULTADOS: foi avaliada a reatividade ao p16 com a seguinte distribuição: grupo sem lesão no colo do útero: 56% (24/43), LIE-BG: 92% (43/47), LIE-AG: 94% (43/46) e câncer: 98% (46/47) (pPURPOSE: to demonstrate the expression of biomarkers, detected by immunohistochemical techniques in healthy tissues, as well as in preneoplastic and neoplastic lesions of the uterine cervix. METHODS: in order to evaluate the immunohistochemical reactivity of tissues from the uterine cervix to p16 and to type 2 herpes simplex virus (HSV-2), 187 samples of low-grade intraepithelial lesions (LG-IEL) and high-grade intraepithelial lesions (HG-IEL), and of uterine cervix carcinoma were compared with a group of patients without uterine cervix lesions. Statistical analysis was done by the chi2 test for trends. The significance level was alpha=0.05. RESULTS: the reactivity to p16 was assessed showing the following distribution: group without uterine cervix lesions: 56% (24/43), LG-IEL: 92% (43/47), HG-IEL: 94% (43/46), and cancer: 98% (46/47) (p<0.001, linear trend). Concerning the HSV-2: group without uterine cervix lesions: 27% (12/45), LG-IEL: 58% (22/38), HG-IEL: 78% (35/45), and cancer: 59 % (29/49) (p<0.001, linear trend). There was an increase in the reactivity ratio for the two markers in the pathological groups (LG-IEL, HG-IEL and uterine cervix cancer, at p<0.001) compared to controls. There was no significant difference between the LG-IEL and the HG-IEL groups. CONCLUSIONS: a progressive increase of reactivity ratios of the studied immunohistochemical markers as a function of lesion severity was observed.