Journal of Craniovertebral Junction and Spine (Jan 2020)
A study of cervical vertebra anomalies among individuals with different sagittal and vertical facial growth patterns
Objective: The objective was to evaluate the prevalence of cervical vertebra anomalies (CVA) in individuals with different sagittal and vertical skeletal growth patterns of jaws and also to establish the associations of anomalies with the type of growth, if any. Materials and Methods: A total of 293 lateral cephalograms were evaluated for CVA. Based on the Frankfort mandibular plane angle, cephalograms were categorized into three groups: Group I, II, and III. Based on the ANB angle, cephalograms were classified into three classes, Class 1, 2, and 3. Six types of CVA such as partial cleft (PC), block fusion (BF), dehiscence (D), fusion between C2 and C3 (F23), occipitalization (OC), and spina bifida (SB) were identified on lateral cephalograms. Descriptive statistics were applied along with multinomial logistic regression analysis. P = 0.05 was considered as the level of statistical significance. Results: PC was most common in the overall samples (36%). BF was the least common (3.2%) CVA. The frequency of various CVA was comparable between males and females in all the three classes of individuals. The association of vertical growth patterns with CVA was found to be statistically nonsignificant (P > 0.05). Class 2 malocclusion was found to be statistically significantly associated with the D (P = 0.043). Conclusions: PC, fusion, and D were the most frequently found CVA, and SB was found only among the hypodivergent growth pattern individuals. The association of CVA with vertical facial growth patterns was not significant, somewhat influenced by age, sex, and sagittal skeletal malocclusions.