Problemi Ekonomiki (Sep 2020)
Efficiency of Using the Transport Services Potential in Ukrainian Regions: The Role of the «Shadow» Component
The author of article suggests a method to evaluate the efficiency of using the transport services potential taking into consideration the share of services estimated in gross added value and output present in a region, employment level, investment supply, international competitiveness, the structure of taxes paid, and the shadow rate of business activity. Positive dynamics of the integrated efficiency value in using the transport services potential has been determined in the majority of the Ukrainian regions in the years 2013-2018. A sensitivity coefficient has been estimated for every variable in the integrated efficiency value in using the transport services potential. Substantial sensitivity of the integrated value to changes in the shadow rate level in transportation services is typical for the majority of the Ukrainian regions. On grouping the Ukrainian regions on the basis of sensitivity coefficient of the integrated value to changes in the shadow rate level in transportation services in 2018, the author has identified the regions with high, medium and low sensitivity and described the peculiarities of such groups according to their main features. The main causes of raising the efficiency of using the transport services potential have been determined, namely: unshadowing of enterprises activity; increasing the share of profitable enterprises in the total number of enterprises providing transportation services; increasing the share of the personal income tax in the total of taxes paid by enterprises; employment level. A number of measures have been suggested to raise the efficiency of using the transport services potential, to decrease the amount of “shadow” business, to increase business profitability, and to reduce informal employment.