Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing (Dec 2007)
The Companion of the Adult Hospitalized Patient: nurses’ perception - a qualitative boarding
This study, was aimed at analyzing the knowledge of nurse about institutional policies and its perceptions in relation to the stay of the companion of the hospitalized adult patient. 29 (100%) nurses that worked in the adult inpatient units, at a university-based philanthropic hospital institution from the city of São Paulo, of extra size and high complexity, associated to “SUS”. Most of the subjects were of the female sex with up to 10 years of post-graduation experience, did not know institucional policies established, however they had related to know the “Instruction Manual for Patients and Companions”, of the Institution. The content analysis was used to study the perceptions of the nurses in relation to the stay of companions. This analysis permitted the identification of thematic units, from which analysis units emerged that led to the establishment of the categories. The categories analyzed with a basis on the theoretical principles of Peplau’s Interpersonal Relations in Nursing in the following phases: Orientation, Identification, Exploration and Resolution. The participation of the nurse as an element capable of establishing a process of interaction in the relationship between the professional and the companion seeking integration between both parties, was understood as as result of the awareness of the nurse in relation to a competent practice in its intervention, in situations of assistance to the companion.