Problems and Perspectives in Management (Dec 2023)
The role of resistance to change in determining organizational citizenship behavior: Evidence from MSMEs in Indonesia
Organizational citizenship behavior is vital to the company’s internal control system. This is because individual contributions that exceed role demands in the workplace increase company productivity and efficiency. This study aims to determine the role of resistance to change in moderating the influence of psychological capital and leader-member exchange on organizational citizenship behavior in micro, small, and medium enterprises in Indonesia. This paper uses a quantitative approach, and data collection is carried out through online surveys. The sample comprises 263 managers or owners of micro, small, and medium enterprises in Indonesia. This paper uses panel data; to test the interaction regression of resistance to change as a moderator, it uses the ordinary least squares method. The research results found empirical evidence that psychological capital and leader-member exchange impact increasing organizational citizenship behavior. Other findings show that resistance to change negatively moderates the influence of psychological capital and leader-member exchange on organizational citizenship behavior of Indonesia’s micro, small, and medium enterprises. AcknowledgmentThis study is supported by DPPMP Stikubank University; thanks to DPPMP and all team NGEJUS members.