S03.2 Patterns of recurrent thrombosis in primary antiphospholipid syndrome –multicentre, real life long term follow-up
M Ellis,
N Agmon-Levin,
M Rapoport,
S Niznik,
S Haj Yahia,
O Avnery,
A Lubetsky
M Ellis
4Center for Child and Adolescent Health, Bristol University, Bristol, UK
N Agmon-Levin
4The Zabludowicz Center for Autoimmune Diseases, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, Israel
M Rapoport
2Department of Internal Medicine ‘C’, Shamir Medical Center ~ Zerifin ~ Israel
S Niznik
Sheba Medical Center Tel Hashomer ~ Ramat Gan ~ Israel
S Haj Yahia
Sheba Medical Center Tel Hashomer ~ Ramat Gan ~ Israel
O Avnery
3Hematology Institute and Blood Bank, Meir Medical Center ~ Kfar Saba ~ Israel
A Lubetsky
4The National Hemophilia Center and Thrombosis unit, And Amalia Biron Research Institute of Thrombosis and Hemostasis, Sheba Medical Center ~ Ramat Gan ~ Israel