Results in Physics (Jun 2020)
Basis of plasma astrophysics in stability of the triple star system
Most of the stars in our universe are part of different star system or stellar system which can be represented by a certain number of stars that orbit each other and are bounded by gravitational interaction. Often formed in pairs, many of these field stars are part of triple or even higher-order stellar systems. Many theoretical research have been performed on the structures of triple star systems, however only certain strictly empirical surveys have discussed stability of orbits in these models. Majority of these empirical surveys were mostly conducted interpreting coplanar orbits and incorporating restricted amount of orbital parameters. The goal of this research is to make empirical modeling of the planetary stabilization areas more extensive by considering triple star systems – KELT-A, B and C. The alignments of these stars in an orbit determine the stability of the orbit. The interstellar medium is a highly filamented magnetised medium in which shear motions compress, twist and stretch the magnetic field within a highly conducting collisionless plasma. Thus the astrophysical plasma also play a key role in stars formation and its configurations in a particular orbit. The current research is focussed on arrangement of orbits in correspondence to the stability of the triple star system. Considering these areas of research we focus on the triple star system in relation to plasma astrophysics to inspect the stability of the orbits in triple star system.