Zbornik Radova: Geografski institut "Jovan Cvijić" (Jan 2007)
Pristup za održivo planiranje na primeru zaštićenog prirodnog dobra
Mostly, natural protected areas in Serbia are classified in category of (so-called) special purpose (intended) areas and allocated in less developed, depopulated, poverty regions, which are unable for sustainable development. Relatively isolated allocation of these areas, caused migration process in previous period resulting with current problems, such as low density of population (depopulation) and low level of economic development (depressed regions and areas). So far, interests (needs) and rights of local communities for development and investment were seriously jeopardized by rules of natural protection. In that order, reform of whole system of planning (from defining goals and objectives to management strategies, rules, and principles for implementation) based on rules and principles of sustainable development is necessary. Researching influences of economic politics and instruments in order of development and reaching protection aims is particularly important field of future researches. Active participation of local authorities in elaboration of development plans and providing funds with authorities and institutions responsible for managing protected areas is start point for increasing incomes in key sectors, activating produce of goods, tourism and services. So far restrictive approach, so-called "defensive approach" in managing of natural protected area has to be reformed, as basis for new challenges in managing. Defining new priority activities, producing standards and services which are pursuant with rules of protection and rights and interests of local communities are one of the most important activities in that order. Without active participation and negotiation with all actors in process of plans and programs elaboration, as well in creation of several politics from local to national level, is not possible efficient reform of planning practice. This article analyzes current practice and approaches in managing of natural protected areas in order of intention for intensification protection on one side, and investments and development in protected areas, on other side.