Janus: Estudios sobre el Siglo de Oro (May 2014)

Los Emblemata (Frankfurt, 1596) de Dionysius Lebeus Batillius: Clasicismo, Neoestoicismo, Calvinismo

  • Beatriz Antón Martínez

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 3
pp. 115 – 176


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The Emblemata (Frankfurt, 1596) of the Calvinist judge D. Lebeus Batillius, book that closes the Golden Age of French Emblematics, are detailed studied for the first time in light of the author’s biography and his relationship with the emblematist Janus Jacobus Boissardus, paying attention to the genesis, the structure and the composition method, the content and the direct and indirect sources; likewise, the significant differences between this editio princeps and the second edition (Heidelberg, 1600) are pointed out. As a brief anthology, we add a selection of emblems, whose analysis reveals the author’s passion for the Classic Antiquity, his preference to the Neostoicism and his cautious and disguised –i.e. characterisctic of a nicodemite– commitment to the Reformed Church.
