Gerokomos (Jun 2008)
Relaciones entre variables físicas y de bienestar en la calidad de vida de las personas mayores Relationship between psychological and physical dimensions of life quality in elderly persons
De las dimensiones de la calidad de vida -psicológicas, físicas y sociales-, se analizaron las relaciones entre las dos primeras. Como medida de ABVD se utilizó el Índice de Barthel y, para el bienestar, la LSI-A y las Escalas de Ryff. Se aplicaron a una muestra de 176 jubilados de la provincia de Valencia. Se realizaron correlaciones de Pearson y regresiones jerárquicas, encontrándose relaciones positivas entre el Índice de Barthel y el dominio del ambiente y la satisfacción general, y negativas con el factor relaciones positivas con otros. Además, las variables predictoras del Índice de Barthel son las propias del bienestar subjetivo.Psychological and physical dimensions of life quality were analyzed, and their interrelationships tested. Physical dimension of life quality was measured with Barthel's index of daily life activities. Psychological dimension of life quality was measured with Ryff's scales of well-being, plus Life Satisfaction Index form A. A sample of 176 retired people was interviewed. All participants lived in Valencia province (Spain). Pearson's correlations and hierarchical multiple regressions were estimated to analyze the relationships among physical activity, well-being and life satisfaction. Positive relations were found among Barthel's index, life satisfaction and environmental mastery.There were negative relationships between Barthel's index and positive relationships with others, a factor of well-being. Overall, subjective well-being factors were more related to physical activity than either life satisfaction or other well-being factors.