Applied Mechanics (Oct 2024)

Blast-Induced Progressive Collapse Analysis: Accounting for Initial Conditions and Damage

  • Benyam Melkeneh,
  • Bedilu Habte,
  • Girum Solomon Urgessa

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 5, no. 4
pp. 696 – 716


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The paper presents the progressive collapse analysis of structures, focusing on the impact of the initial conditions (particularly initial velocity) and the damage. It proposes a method that calculates the residual axial load capacity and damage of columns based on their strain profile and considers the effects of multiple blast locations. The methodology involves the conventional design of a three-story moment-resisting frame, selecting blast parameters, calculating blast pressures, and performing structural and progressive collapse analyses. The findings reveal that the Alternate Load Path Method (APM) overestimates the capacity compared to a benchmark blast–structure interaction analysis, especially when unsuitable initial conditions and damage properties are used. To address this limitation, the paper concludes the recommendations for incorporating appropriate initial conditions and damage considerations for a relatively accurate progressive collapse analysis.
