Annals of Dunarea de Jos University. Fascicle I : Economics and Applied Informatics (Aug 2020)
World Economic Reality - Anxiety and Uncertainty of Markets in a Pandemic Context
The year 2020 begins with the appearance in the civilized world of a virus as surprising as it is strange and devastating. Apparently started from Wuhan CHINA, from a market of live animals and seafood, of an unequaled diversity in the world. But almost everything we know at the moment about the new coronavirus - any scientific observation or finding - the truth is somewhere far away, from any point of view we look at things. It all starts with "apparent" or "it seems". Except it's a coronavirus with a very clear and completely determined RNA genome by scientists. And maybe with a very selective and sensitive RT-PCR viral detection test, say its manufacturers. Otherwise, everything is "in the fog" - including the transmission, action, pathogenesis and treatment of the disease generated, Covid 19. Although initially much underestimated, the virus has spread exponentially around the world and makes victims on the conveyor belt. But not only in people's lives but also in the massively globalized world economy at this time. For a short time mankind went into lock-down, but later quickly understood that regardless of the consequences social life and in this case economic activity can not stagnate too long .The economy must "spin" constantly like our planet around its axis and around the sun.In this serious pandemic context, more than the huge financial effort necessary to sustain the socio / economic life, the anxiety and uncertainty of markets of any kind hangs extremely hard.All these markets are still deeply disturbed, not knowing exactly which targets to go, not knowing either the evolution in the near future of the pandemic and not even a time horizon from which to think scientifically and economically the long-term strategy for restarting. normal life and world economy. This article details exactly this factual situation, trying an exercise in logic.