Analele Universităţii Constantin Brâncuşi din Târgu Jiu : Seria Economie (Apr 2015)
In this paper I proposed to analyse the phenomenon of bank concentration on the bank market from Romania in the period 2004-2013, the measurement indicators, the causes that lead to its appearance, and the effects that it has on the bank system. The main motivation for the choosing of this theme is the fact that the Romanian bank system knew a strong evolution of the phenomenon of bank concentration and consolidation along this period, evolution that began with a process of reform and transition to the market economy in which an important role is that of the bank privatization. Afterwards, following our adherence to the European union, the competition in the Romanian bank system increased singnificantly, which determined modifications of structure in the bank system. It appeared foreign bank institutions that determined the increase of the quality of the products and services offered, due to the accentuation of the bank competition on the bank market from Romania. The Romanian bank system knew an accentuated diversification and dynamics determined by the development of the macro economic background from our country, the bank system being oriented to offer competitive products and services according to the European requests. The financial crisis from 2008 placed its imprint on the bank system from Romania affecting in different forms all the participants of the Romanian bank market.