European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields (Aug 2024)
Compatibility of gravitational baryogenesis in f(Q, C) gravity
Abstract This paper investigates the disparity between matter and antimatter in the universe with the help of gravitational baryogenesis. This phenomenon commenced shortly after the big bang, resulting in a predominance of matter over antimatter. We analyze the mechanism of gravitational baryogenesis (baryon to entropy ratio) under the framework of f(Q, C) gravity, where Q indicates non-metricity scalar and C denotes the boundary term. This Phenomenon depends on the charge parity violation interaction and for this paper we produce it with the coupling between baryon matter current ( $$j^{\nu }$$ j ν ) and $$\partial _{\nu }(Q+C)$$ ∂ ν ( Q + C ) . In the present work, we evaluate he baryon to entropy ratio ( $$\frac{\eta _{_B}}{S}$$ η B S ) by proposing two models of f(Q, C) with the assumption of power-law scale factor for each model and the universe contains perfect fluid throughout. We find that under optimal choice of model parameters, the results of $$\frac{\eta _{_B}}{S}$$ η B S of propose models in f(Q, C) are compatible with the observational bound. The crux of the current work is that the outcomes of our propose models for generalized case of gravitational baryogenesis are consist with its observational constraint in different eras of the Universe.