Veterinární Medicína (Feb 2018)
Imaging features of bilateral primary megaureter in a senior dog: a case report
An 8-year-old dog weighing 45 kg presented with symmetric alopecia, diarrhoea and undescended testes with no associated urinary symptoms. Abdominal ultrasonography and computed tomographic excretory urography revealed extensive dilation and reduced peristalsis of both ureters, except for the distal parts, which showed normal insertion into the urinary bladder, and normal calibre without peristalsis. No abnormalities of the urinary bladder or urethra that may have caused obstruction were identified. A diagnosis of primary megaureter was made. This is the first known reported case of primary megaureter in a dog. To our knowledge, this is first known case report in the veterinary literature that describes the ultrasonographic features of primary megaureter.