Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research (Aug 2017)
Evaluating the Correlation between Anteroposterior and Mediolateral Compensatory Curves and their Influence on Dentoskeletal Morphology-An In vitro CBCT Study
Introduction: To date, many orthodontist corrects malocclusion based on patients aesthetic concern and fails to correct the compensatory curves. This scenario is due to less insight on understanding relationship of compensatory curves and its correlation in treatment prognosis. Aim: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the correlation between the curve of Spee, curve of Monson and curve of Wilson, their influence on dentoskeletal morphology and their contribution to occlusal stability. Materials and Methods: This study included 104 nonorthodontic models. The study casts were subdivided into two groups, Group-I consist 52 non- orthodontic models with Class-I molar relationship and Group-II consist of 52 non- orthodontic models with Class-II molar relationship. Curve of Spee was measured with digital vernier caliper, curve of Monson estimated using specially made sphere (7”inch, 8” inch and 9”inch) and curve of Wilson was evaluated using Cone Beam Computed Technology (CBCT). Results: Mean value for curve of Spee obtained for Group I and Group II is 1.844 mm and 3.188 mm. For curve of Monson, the mean value obtained for Group I and Group-II is 7.65 inches and 7.40 inches. The mean degree obtained for the curve of Wilson for Group I and Group-II is 12.05 and 16.49. The result showed positive correlation between curve of Spee and curve of Wilson and no correlation between curve of Monson and curve of Wilson and no correlation between curve of Spee and curve of Monson. The Pearson correlation coefficient analysis from the study confirmed these results. Conclusion: The results showed positive correlation between curve of spee and curve of Wilson. The data found in this study can be applied clinically for Class I and Class II malocclusion patients on diagnosis and treatment planning.