Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (Feb 2021)
Paulo Freire’s culture circles: contributions to nursing research, teaching, and professional practice
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ABSTRACT Objectives: to share the contributions of culture circles for teaching, research, and professional nursing practice, having as framework Paulo Freire’s Research Itinerary. Methods: this is an experience report of a culture circle, with participation of three professors and ten students, enrolled in a course of a Graduate Program in Nursing in southern Brazil. In this culture circle, a tree was built in which the roots formed the thematic investigation, the stem, coding and decoding, and the leaves, the Research Itinerary critical unveiling. Results: participants demonstrated empowerment of Paulo Freire’s assumptions, and building a tree made it possible to discuss in a pleasant and playful way culture circle use in teaching, research, and professional nursing practice. Final Considerations: the culture circle promoted reflection and action on nursing praxis, turning Freirean thoughts into something concrete and transforming realities.