Analele Universităţii Constantin Brâncuşi din Târgu Jiu : Seria Economie (Feb 2024)
The goal of this paper is an overview of e-business sector in the European Union (EU), the one emphasizing its diversity and complexity in today's digital world. Starting from a simple internet connection - which is the first step in e-business - enteprises proceed to making their own website and using fast internet speed and special software for managing their activities and keeping track of their customers. In this article below we'll look at the concepts, history and evolutions of e-business sector in the EU . Based on Eurostat data and on other international reports and studies, we highlight how many entreprises în EU are in these e-business categories starting from using a simple internet connection and developing own websites to using advanced software for planning activities(ERP) but also to have a management of better customer relations(CRM). Finally, our analysis confirms that digitization comes to be the highest at the large companies – i.e. for their both financial resources and customer public’s size – and limited for the small ones – i.e. at least, on the ERP and CRM usage side, while, though, the on-line presence by web-sites looks about the same level for companies of all sizes.