Известия Томского политехнического университета: Инжиниринг георесурсов (Jan 2020)
The relevance of the research is caused by the need to expand the use of the resource base of mineral waters for balneological purposes, close to the consumer, assess the therapeutic properties of mineral waters based on a study of their operating experience and compliance with the requirements of current guidance documents.The development of this direction will allow increasing the volume and spectrum of therapeutic and preventive services using local natural mineral waters while minimizing the capital expenditures for geological exploration. The aim of the research is to study the structure, current state and operating experience of the Daginsky thermal mineral water field (Sakhalin Region), to assess the prospects for expanding balneological and tourist services, to develop recommendations for industrial development of the field. Objects: mineral thermal waters, their properties and conditions of distribution on the earth's surface and in the hydrogeological section. Methods: study of stock and archive documents on geological structure and hydrogeological conditions of the study area, a field survey of the current state of the field, hydrochemical testing of individual sources, a survey of mineral water consumers. Results. The paper introduces the geological and hydrogeological characteristics of the field of thermal mineral waters. The balneological properties of the waters in different parts of the field were determined in accordance with the relevant guidelines. The present state of use of thermal mineral waters is presented. The authors have developed the recommendations for field operation. Findings. The long-term operation of the Daginsky field proves high balneological efficiency of thermal mineral waters. The field is formed by mixing deep hot mineralized waters with near-surface cold and fresh groundwater. Explosive tectonics field is divided into three sections. More than 60 ascending sources of thermomineral waters are observed on the site of the field.The waters are hot, weakly and moderately mineralized, sodium chloride, bromine, iodine (Northern part) and sodium bicarbonate-sodium (Central and Southern). Balance operational reserves are approved for categories B+C1+C2 in the amount of 2500 m3/day. Water in the sources have a wide range of medical indicators for use. Currently, the field is exploited «wildly». Waters are used primarily for bathing at the springs. Attendance sources in the summer reaches 300 people/day. In winter, visiting the sources is difficult. There are good prospects for a multiple increase in the number of visits without the capital expenditure on exploration of the field. Thermal mineral waters of the deposit have a very high biological activity. Uncontrolled use of water instead of therapeutic, can lead to a negative effect. There are cases of deaths after excessively long baths in the sources. It is necessary to conduct a comprehensive study of the balneological properties of waters of various sources and to develop recommendations on the method of their use. It is also necessary to organize monitoring of sources in order to determine the time of water recovery after the visit and to develop a mode of bathing.