Nuclear Engineering and Technology (Apr 2020)
A novel analytical approach for advection diffusion equation for radionuclide release from an area source
The method of the Laplace transform has been used to obtain an analytical solution of the three-dimensional steady state advection diffusion equation for the airborne radionuclide release from any nuclear installation such as the power reactor in an area source. The present treatment takes into account the removal of the pollutants through the nuclear reaction. We assume that the pollutants are emitted as a constant rate from the area source. This physical consideration is achieved by assuming that the vertical eddy diffusivity coefficient should be a constant. The prevailing wind speed is a constant in x− direction and a linear function of the vertical height z. The present model calculations are compared with the other models and the available data of the atmospheric dispersion experiments that were carried out in the nuclear power plant of Angra dos Reis (Brazil). The results show that the present treatment performs well as the analytical dispersion model and there is a good agreement between the values computed by our model and the observed data. Keywords: The laplace transform method, Three-dimensional steady state advection diffusion equation, The airborne radionuclide release, The hypergeometric function and the eddy diffusivity coefficients