Slovenska Literatura (Aug 2001)
Rethinking the theme of love in the prose of the 1860s. A probe into the texts of Ľudovít Kubáni and Jonáš Záhorský
The study interprets a ”midsummer adventure” Hlad a láska written by Ľudovít Kubani and ”fantastic tale” Chruňo a Mandragora written by Jonáš Záborský from the aspect of reinterpretation of theme of love dominating in sentimental-romantic line of Slovak prose of 60th in 19th century. Revalutional attitude of both authors to the topic was determined by their relationship to romantic canon. At first Kubáni identified himself with it, but gradually he was correcting it. It was not a gesture of total refusing. He just made relative an absolute validity of abstract romantic ideal and its touch with reality. He doubted romanticism in its inside standing on its border. Behind it there was a beginning of the way towards realistic model of literature. Záborský typologically came out from older concept of literature than from romantic one. Rationalistic philosophical orientation led him to refuse all irrational. Love belonged to the sphere of irrational as well. In the short story he parodied prosaic and poetic literary works with the theme of love as well as their authors. He attacked romanticism from outside and inspite of anachronism of his own starting position he showed need of change.