Fire (Aug 2024)

Fire Resistance in Screwed and Hollow Core Wooden Elements Filled with Insulating Material

  • Miguel Osório,
  • Elza M. M. Fonseca,
  • Domingos Pereira

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 7, no. 8
p. 288


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This study looks at wall partition panels with hollow core wood elements and gypsum board as protection in fire conditions. In addition to our previous research, this study on wall partitions considers the effect of steel screws in the assembly of the elements, as well as the filling of the cavity with insulating material. The goal of this work is to calculate the fire resistance time and compare the results using different numerical models. The discussion of the results analyzes the effect of steel screws and the introduction of insulating material inside the cavities. The steel screws are verified with and without threads. The numerical models are based on the finite element method, using thermal and transient analysis with nonlinear materials. The thermal insulation criterion for measuring fire resistance is referenced by the EN 1363-1:2020 standard. The steel screws allow more heat to be concentrated and, therefore, distribute it throughout the wooden wall partition members. Based on the results obtained, the use of steel screws reduces fire resistance by 71.75 min, regardless of whether the wall partition is filled with or without insulating material.
