Актуальні питання суспільних наук та історії медицини (Jun 2018)
Стаднийчук Раиса, Братенко Михаил, Перепелица Олеся. Фундаментализация научного направления - целенаправленного органического синтеза на кафедре общей химии (период 1953 – 1976 гг.). Цель исследова- ния. В статье на основании архивных документов, публикаций в научной литературе высветлен период деятельнос- ти кафедры медицинской и фармацевтической химии с 1953 по 1976 годы: кадровый состав, материально- техническая база, научные направления и исторически значимые результаты научных исследований. Методология. В ходе исследования использован метод ретроспекции и сравнительного анализа. Научная новизна. Впервые про- анализирован конкретный вклад сотрудников кафедры в развитие научного направления в области органической химии - целенаправленного синтеза потенциально фармакологических веществ, что посодействовало возрастанию авторитета Черновицкого медицинского института в научном мире. Выводы. В статье описан этап фундаментализа- ции научного направления кафедры, касающегося целенаправленного органического синтеза биологически актив- ных веществ.The aim of study: A paper is based on some archive documents and other publication and it deals with activities of the Department of General Chemistry in the years 1953-1976. Methods of investigation: historical, biografic and sis-tematic analisis. Scientific novelty: The staff of the Department, equipment involved in the investigations and main directions of the work are addressed. A personal contribution of each worker into scientific activities in the field of organic chemistry related to the targeted synthesis of the substances with possible pharmaceutical activity is analyzed. It was a highly resultative and productive time and more than 200 derivatives of the quaternary ammonium salts, nitric het- erocyclic bases and phosphonium derivatives were synthesized while their physicochemical properties were determined. Finally, the most effective conditions for their synthesis and purification were elaborated. Some examples from this array have been approved as medicines and are still used in regular medical practice (ethonium, thionium, decametoxine, dodeconium and some others), which ensured high scientific authority of Chernivtsi Medical Institute. Serious scientific achievements were backed by effective scientific cooperation between local scientists and workers of other Departments of the Institute. Dozens of scientific theses have been successfully presented. For instance, 17 PhD and 5 DSs theses were presented in the fields of pharmaceutical, chemical and medicinal science on the ground of the compounds synthesized by Assoc. Prof. V. P. Denysenko. The 1st degree diploma, one gold (Assoc. Prof. V. P. Denysenko) and one silver (Assoc. Prof. F. V. Lapshyn) medals were awarded to the Department's members at the all-USSR Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy. Scientific activities of F. V. Lapshyn in Analytical Chemistry has generated further investigations of mineral water sources and therapeutic muds of Chernivtsi region. This gave a push to development of such mineral water brands as "Brusnytska", "Bukovynska", Kelmenetska", "Valea Cosmin", sanato- rium in Brusnytsya and rehabilitation section in vil. Scherbyntsi. Two monographs were published, 11 authorship certificates received and more than 200 scientific papers printed by the Department's staff during chair- manship of A. I. Lopyshansky. Сonclusions. The paper deals with a stage of fundamentalization of the scientific field related to the targeted organic synthesis of some bioactive compounds at the department.