Kējì Fǎxué Pínglùn (Dec 2005)

從經濟分析的觀點探討網路不法行為之預防 ― 以線上遊戲「竊取」寶物之紛爭為中心 Economic Analysis of Law About the Prevention of Cyber Wrongdoing — Focusing on the On-line Game Dispute

  • 林三元 San-Yuan Lin

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2, no. 2
pp. 173 – 213


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隨著使用網際網路的人口大量增加,以及寬頻上網的普及,網路使用者的活動內容也日趨多樣化,其中線上遊戲已是網路使用者重要的活動之一。而線上遊戲的盛行,也確實帶來了相關的法律紛爭,在虛擬世界衍生的法律問題,現實世界中的法規範應該如何調整適用,實在是一大問題。立法院在2003 年6 月3 日完成了刑法「妨害電腦使用罪」章之立法程序,該法亦經總統於同年6 月25 日公布施行。然而,法律之制定與實際之運作,必然存在一定落差,為了檢視立法目的是否達成,除了以法律邏輯之推演或法律文義之解釋為依據,亦可以「法律之經濟分析」(economic analysis of law),作為解釋法律之取向或檢視法律施行之實際狀況,裨能落實立法目的。此外,從網路不法行為之特殊性著眼,也應考量如何適用民事侵權行為法則,用以降低網路侵權行為之發生,如此才能達到最有效率之管制效果。本文將從法律經濟分析之觀點,探討如何有效管制因為線上遊戲所衍生之不法行為,而執法機關應如何解釋法律,才能提高「犯罪成本」(犯罪者因為犯罪必須耗費的時間、金錢),而以較低的「社會成本」(遊戲公司防範犯罪、檢警偵查犯罪、法院審理案件之人力、費用等資源)達到遏止犯 罪發生之最大效用。此外,如果適用民事侵權行為法則管制網路不法行為,應否對遊戲公司(即網路服務提供者,ISP)課以一定的責任,才能遏止不法行為之發生。全文將分為三個部分論述:第一部分介紹刑法第36 章「妨害電腦使用罪」立法通過前,關於「盜用」他人線上遊戲「寶物、天幣」等行為,在司法實務上所產生之法律適用問題。第二部分則係簡述學者對於新增訂刑法妨害電腦使用罪章之不同看法,顯示法律解釋、適用之爭議仍不能避免。第三部分再從經濟分析之觀點提出建議,希能從課以遊戲公司預防不 法行為之責任出發,建構一個「高犯罪成本」的線上遊戲環境,進而以「低預防成本」達到刑法第36 章試圖遏止網路不法行為之立法目的,同時亦能防止網路侵權行為之發生。 People who get on the Internet by broadband facility, such as ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line), are increasing tremendously these days and that has been bringing diverse impacts on our society. According to a survey conducted by the Taiwan Network Information Center, the on-line game is one of the most popular amusements among those activities. Due to the trend of playing on-line games, many legal disputes are inevitably invoked on the Internet. Firstly, we have to think about how to adjust legal rules or to enact new statutes and then applying them to Cyberspace. In order to deal with those disputes, the Legislative Yuan enacted the whole new Chapter of Criminal Code, Crimes of Disrupting Computer Usages, on June 3, 2003. However, there should be a gap between the law in books and law in action. For the purpose of examining whether the objects of law are fulfilled or not, we should not only be focusing on the logical procedure of legal tradition, but also excising a new approach, economic analysis of law, to evaluate the effects of the new statute and, in addition, to provide a different point of view for judges and other legal enforcement agents to elaborate the new law. For the sake of resolving on-line disputes by the new statute, this article will analyze the issue through cost-benefit module based on economic analysis. The point here is how to increase the cost of committing the perpetration that would keep a ration and self-interest person away from the wrongdoing act. Furthermore, the benefit of increasing the cost of perpetration would decrease the cost of legal enforcement. As a result, we will achieve the purpose of law for preventing on-line game crimes.
