臺灣教育社會學研究 (Dec 2012)
從學習者到教學者角色轉換歷程之權力分析:三位社區大學肢體運動課程講師的敘事研究 The Process of Role Change from Learner to Instructor: A Critical Narrative Research of Three Instructors from Body Movement Classes in Community Colleges
本研究主要目的在於探究社區大學肢體運動類課程講師從「學習者」轉變成「教學者」的過程中,所依循、複製或重構的身體意象與配套自我技術論述,及其延伸出來各類社會關係和外在社會機制間存在的「知識—身體—權力」關係,以釐清肢體運動對人們身體和價值可能帶來的生產性和壓抑性。研究發現,存在社區大學、肢體運動社群、師生與同儕間的「知識—身體—權力」關係並非零合,所有課程內容、教學策略與人際模式都處在高度不確定狀態下,透過對抗與順服並存的方式體現著自由與壓抑。倘若寄望社 區大學肢體運類課程的實施能尊重師生身體與價值自主性,勢必得培養其容忍、欣賞人際關係與社會文化之不確定性,才能讓每個人的聲音都被充分聆聽與尊重。 The study aims to investigate the discourse of body images and supporting self-techniques, which is followed, copied, or restructured by those in the process of changing roles from learners to instructors in body movement classes in community colleges. It also explores the relations among derived knowledge, body and power existing in various social relationships and social mechanisms, in order to clarify the kinds of impact body movements human body and human values. The study showed that the power relations existing in community colleges and the professional community, and between faculty and students, do not constitute a zero-sum situation. There is a high degree of uncertainty underlying all curriculum content, teaching strategies and interpersonal relationships. If we wish the implementation of body movement curricula to respect the autonomy of the bodies and values of faculty and students, it is necessary to cultivate appreciation and tolerance of diversity and uncertainty among faculty and students. Only in this way can all voices be fully listened to and respected appropriately.