Ученые записки Казанского университета: Серия Гуманитарные науки (Apr 2018)
Property security in the system of national security of the Russian Federation
Currently, the system of national security of the Russian Federation as a whole and some of its types in particular require a comprehensive legal study. For example, the issues of legal security of property are practically not considered from the theoretical and legal point of view. The category of “property security” has been studied in this paper to determine its place in the national security system of the country and to identify the legal mechanisms to ensure it. The nature of property security has been considered, including the correlation of such concepts as “property”, “thing”, and “property in ownership” in legal doctrine and practice. The results of the study show that there is a risk of loss of ownership without direct damage to the property (it ceases to belong to the owner, but does not change its quality properties, that is not damaged or destroyed). In this regard, it has been proposed to distinguish, in addition to property security, the category of “security of property in ownership”. Within the framework of property security, the object of protection is property as such. Within the framework of ensuring the security of property in ownership, the object of security is the right of ownership. The following threats to property security can be singled out: – threat of loss of property; – threat of accidental death (damage) of property; – threat of destruction of property from the actions of third parties; – threat of property damage from the actions of third parties; – threat of theft of someone else’s property; – threat of illegal acquisition of property rights by third parties. Not only describes the traditional criminal law means of property protection have been described, but also the issues of property security in the storage of things, as well as under the contract of property insurance have been touched upon. The obtained results can be used for further theoretical, legal, and specific legal research.