Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education (Mar 2017)


  • Nadia Sefiany,
  • Masrukan Masrukan,
  • Zaenuri Zaenuri

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 5, no. 3
pp. 227 – 233


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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keefektifan pembelajaran matematika dengan Model Knisley dan mendeskripsikan kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa berdasarkan self efficacy. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian mixed methods dengan explanatory sequential design. Populasinya adalah siswa kelas VII SMP N 13 Magelang. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik random sampling, diperoleh kelas VII B sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas VII A sebagai kelas kontrol. Subjek penelitian 2 siswa self efficacy tinggi dan 2 siswa self efficacy rendah. Pengumpulan data meliputi skala, tes, dan wawancara. Data dianalisis dengan uji proporsi, uji perbedaan rata-rata, uji beda rata-rata berpasangan, dan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) proporsi kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa kelas eksperimen mencapai ketuntasan belajar klasikal 75%, (2) rata-rata kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa kelas eksperimen lebih baik dari rata-rata kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa kelas kontrol, (3) terdapat peningkatan rata-rata kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa kelas eksperimen dalam kategori tinggi yaitu sebesar 0,72, (4) siswa dengan self efficacy tinggi memenuhi empat aspek kemampuan komunikasi matematis, dan (5) siswa dengan self efficacy rendah memenuhi tiga aspek kemampuan komunikasi matematis. The purpose of this research was to determine the effectiveness of mathematics learning using Knisley's Models and describe students' mathematical communication skills based on self efficacy. The method used in this research is a mixed methods with explanatory sequential design. The population is the seventh­grade students of SMP N 13 Magelang. Sampling was conducted by random sampling technique, is obtained as an experimental class in seventh grade B and the seventh grade A as a control class. The subject of this research is 2 high self efficacy students and 2 low self efficacy students. The data collection includes scale, tests and interviews. Data were analyzed by proportion test, the average difference test, different average in pairs test, and a descriptive qualitative. The results showed that (1) the proportion of student's mathematical communication skills in experimental class can reach 75% classical completeness, (2) the average of student's mathematical communication skils experimental class is better than the average of student's mathematical communication skils control class, (3) there is an average increase in students' mathematical communication skills experimental class in high category amounts 0,72, (4) students with high self efficacy meet four aspects of mathematical communication skills, and (5) students with low self efficacy meet three aspects of mathematical communication skills.
