Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu (Jan 2019)

Problem marnotrawstwa i strat wobec zachowania bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego w ujęciu międzynarodowym

  • Joanna Michalczyk,
  • Wawrzyniec Michalczyk

Journal volume & issue
no. nr 3 (63)


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The issue of food loss and waste is a leading problem in the modern world economy. Particularly noteworthy is its connection with food security. The latter, being in the field of interest of global and regional international organisations (and not only them), is tried to keep, among others, with the implementation of various activities aimed at limiting the phenomenon of food loss and waste. In this contect, noteworthy are the activities of the EU structures, which have made a significant contribution to the identification of society with the mentionedchallenges and to its deeper education in the rational management of food resources. The aim of the study is to present the essence of the problem of food loss and waste and to show its impact on the maintaining food security. The descriptive method, the critical analysis of literature and inference based on induction and deduction were used to prepare the publication.(original abstract)