Social Media + Society (Aug 2019)
Understanding Public Response to Air Quality Using Tweet Analysis
Poor air quality is recognized as a major risk factor for human health globally. Critical to addressing this important public-health issue is the effective dissemination of air quality data, information about adverse health effects, and the necessary mitigation measures. However, recent studies have shown that even when public get data on air quality and understand its importance, people do not necessarily take actions to protect their health or exhibit pro-environmental behaviors to address the problem. Most existing studies on public attitude and response to air quality are based on offline studies, with a limited number of survey participants and over a limited number of geographical locations. For a larger survey size and a wider set of locations, we collected Twitter data for a period of nearly 2 years and analyzed these data for three major cities: Paris, London, and New Delhi. We identify the three hashtags in each city that best correlate the frequency of tweets with local air quality. Using tweets with these hashtags, we determined that people’s response to air quality across all three cities was nearly identical when considering relative changes in air pollution. Using machine-learning algorithms, we determined that health concerns dominated public response when air quality degraded, with the strongest increase in concern being in New Delhi, where pollution levels are the highest among the three cities studied. The public call for political solutions when air quality worsens is consistent with similar findings with offline surveys in other cities. We also conducted an unsupervised learning analysis to extract topics from tweets in Delhi and studied their evolution over time and with changing air quality. Our analysis helped extract relevant words or features associated with different air quality–related topics such as air pollution policy and health. Also, the topic modeling analysis revealed niche topics associated with sporadic air quality events, such as fireworks during festivals and the air quality impact on an outdoor sport event. Our approach shows that a tweet-based analysis can enable social scientists to probe and survey public response to events such as air quality in a timely fashion and help policy makers respond appropriately.