Ulumuna (Jun 2013)
Abstract: This paper analyses how inductive paradigm has been misperceived and mistreated by Muslims, and discusses the extent to which the inductive paradigm and the deductive one has long been competing to one another throughout the development of science in Islam. This paper argues that the backwardness of Muslim civilization is due to the fact that the inductive paradigm has long been neglected and has been misperceived by Muslim scientists as a Western type entity which should be deconstructed and, therefore, should be put aside. This attitude stems from the Muslims’ attitude towards the Qur’an and Hadith as direct sources of modern science, scientific corpuses from which modern theories of sciences emanate. In order to achieve an advancement of science, Muslims do not have any choice other than treating the inductive paradigm properly as an epistemological as well as methodological apparatus in developing sciences either natural sciences, social humanities and religious as well as Islamic studies.Abstrak: Makalah ini menganalisis bagaimana paradigma induktif telah dianggap dan diperlakukan salah oleh umat Islam, dan membahas sejauh mana paradigma induktif dan deduktif telah lama bersaing satu sama lain dalam kancah perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dalam Islam. Penulis berpendapat bahwa keterbelakangan peradaban Muslim dikarenakan paradigma induktif telah diabaikan oleh para ilmuwan Muslim, dan dipahami salah sebagai milik-Barat yang harus didekonstruksi dan dikesampingkan. Sikap ini berasal dari sikap umat Islam yang memperlakukan al-Qur’an dan hadis sebagai dua sumber ilmu, corpus ilmiah sumber teori-teori modern dalam ilmu. Demi kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan, umat Islam tidak punya pilihan lain selain memperlakukan paradigma induktif secara benar sebagai alat epistemologis sekaligus metodologis dalam mengembangkan sains dalam komunitas Muslim baik ilmu alam, sosial humaniora maupun studi agama serta studi Islam.