Конденсированные среды и межфазные границы (Dec 2018)
The phase diagram of SiO2-Al2O3 is considered. The paper presents an overview of the methods of synthesising mullite, including the calcining of natural aluminosilicates, the Czochralski process (synthesising mullite from melt), the Verneuil process (synthesising mullite from gel), and the solid state method (synthesising mullite from the mixture of stoichiometric composition). Previous studies have determined that the parameters of the orthorhombic lattice and the habitus of mullite crystals depend directly on the ratio of aluminum and silicon in the initial batch, the content of impurities, the method of heat treatment, and the form of introduction of the initial components into the batch. The size of the mullite crystals is affected by the presence of aluminum fl uoride in the batch, which at a certain ratios allows to obtain the fi nal product in the form of whiskers. The effect of mineralizers on the yield of mullite was considered: alkali metal fl uorides reduce the yield, while sulfates and chlorides increase it and also infl uence the viscosity and structure of the melt. In order to determine the effect, we studied the infl uence of various additives on the process, structure, and properties of the synthesis. Structural features of the mullite crystal lattice affecting isomorphic substitutions were determined. The paper also considers the possibility of obtaining isomorphically substituted mullite varieties, and presents the optical characteristics of isomorphically substituted mullite containing d-elements.