Miqot: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman (Jun 2015)
MENGGAGAS UNIVERSITAS ISLAM IDEAL: Studi Terhadap Pemikiran Syed Ali Ashraf
Initiating an Ideal University: A Study of Syed Ali Ashraf’s Thought. The objective of this research is to study the concept of Islamic university according to Ashraf. This is a qualitative research whose data were collected through library research and using the method of descriptive analysis. An Islamic university should have a broad concept of Islamic education that does not limit itself only to give instruction of traditional Islamic sciences, but it should include all subjects since they are based on tawhid. Furthermore, an Islamic university should provide not only instruction and training to fulfill the mind of its students but more than that it should be aimed at producing enlightened people with sound knowledge and noble character. In addition, its students must be able to work for the welfare of human being on the basis of spirituality. It should also give priority to undertake research, therefore it must provide research center to facilitate qualified researches of all branches of knowledge.