Зерновое хозяйство России (May 2018)
The effect of cultivation technologies on chick pea productivity in the southern part of the Rostov region
The effect of cultivation technologies on chick pea productivity in the southern part of the Rostov region Chick pea with its high tolerance to drought, resistance to lodging, pests and diseases is the most promising grain culture for dry areas of the Rostov region. The purpose of the research is to improve chick pea productivity due to fertilizing with microelements and growth regulators. The study was carried out in 2012-2014 on the fields of All-Russian Research Institute of Grain Crops named after I.G. Kalinenko (the laboratory of cultivation technology of row crops), located in the southern soil-climatic part of the Rostov region characterized with unstable and insufficient humidity. The soil of the experimental plot is common heavy loamy, lime black earth (chernozem). The subject of the study was the chick pea variety ‘Volgogradsky 10’ approved to use in the Rostov region. The article presents the data about the effect of fertilizing with microelements and growth regulators on field germination, safety of plants before harvesting, elements of yield structure and productivity, economic and bioenergetics efficiency of chick pea cultivation. The largest indexes of field germination (82.4%) and chick pea safety before harvesting (89.1%) have been achieved after fertilizing with microelements combined with seed treatment by ‘Ekomak’ and plant treatment by ‘Mikroel’. Due to it there have been received the maximum indexes of elements of yield structure, namely ‘number of beans per plant’ - 15.8 pc.; ‘number of kernels per plant’ - 17.4 pc.; ‘kernel weight per plant’ - 4.83g; ‘1000-kernel weight’ - 247.2g. In the same experiment the largest increase of productivity was 0.57 t/ha (or 39.0%) in addition to the control, and there were the highest indexes of energetic and economic efficiency of chick pea cultivation with 22.73 GJ/ha of net energetic profit, 6.49 GJ/t of energy content in the product, 2.72 coefficient of energetic efficiency, 13141 rub/ha of net income, 8527 rub/t of net cost, 75.9% of profitability.