Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria (Dec 2006)

Dor e parestesias nos membros superiores e diagnóstico da síndrome do túnel do carpo Pain and numbness in the arms and hands and carpal tunnel syndrome diagnosis

  • Valéria Ribeiro Nogueira Barbosa,
  • Fábio Galvão Dantas,
  • Maria Aparecida Alves Cardoso,
  • Jovany Luis Alves de Medeiros

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 64, no. 4
pp. 997 – 1000


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Nós avaliamos a freqüência e localização de dor e parestesias em pacientes com síndrome do túnel do carpo (STC) e em indivíduos da população geral, pareados por gênero e idade. Determinamos a sensibilidade e a especificidade desses sintomas para o diagnóstico de STC. Dor foi um sintoma comum nos dois grupos de pacientes. Parestesia ocorreu com mais freqüência em pacientes com STC (p75%) quando são localizadas nas mãos.We studied the frequency and localization of pain and numbness in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), in comparison with individuals of the general population, matched for sex and age, and we determined the sensitivity and the specificity of these symptoms for the CTS diagnosis. Pain was a common symptom in the two groups of patients. Numbness occurred more frequently in CTS group (p<0.05). In CTS patients, pain complaints were present in neck (42.8%), arms (36.8%) and hands (82.8%). Among controls, pain was more common in head (11.4%), trunk (37.1%), legs (22.8%). In our casuistics, in relation to the CTS diagnosis, the presence of pain and numbness have low sensitivity and high specificity when they occur in the arms, and high sensitivity and specificity when they occur in the hands.
