Journal of Curriculum Studies (Sep 2010)
九年一貫課程綱要總綱實施現況相關研究之後設分析 Meta-Analysis of the Implementation of Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guideline in Taiwan
本研究主要目的為:一、瞭解九年一貫課程綱要總綱實施現況;二、分析有關九年一貫課程綱要「課程總綱」的學位論文、國科會專題研究成果之現況、趨勢與議題;三、瞭解課程綱要總綱小組委員及學科召集人、學者專家、各學習領域學科中心負責人、各縣市課程督學、國教輔導團輔導員及中小學行政人員與教師等,對課程綱要實施相關研究結果後設分析之意見和看法;以及四、綜合研究結果,提出未來規劃及實施課程綱要總綱或後續研究的建議。為達研究目的,本研究採理論分析、問卷調查(發出1,536份,回收1,036份)、深度訪談以及焦點團體座談等研究方法進行。目前就相關文獻進行後設分析與焦點團體訪談的資料分析,初步研究結果發現: 一、九年一貫課程綱要相關之理論基礎論述並不多,通常是在課程修訂後再去討論理論基礎。 二、九年一貫課程綱要「課程總綱」相關的學位論文、重要學術期刊論文及其他研究,已有相當累積的成果,但是在廣度與深度方面顯然不足。 三、2008年,九年一貫課程綱要總綱微調後,仍有許多可再釐清與修訂的空間。 四、九年一貫課程綱要總綱各分量表之現況分析發現,所有各分量表的每1題平均數均高於3.5,顯示教育人員對於各分量表之同意程度尚佳。 This study aims to understand the implementation of Grades 1-9 Curriculum Guideline in Taiwan by analyzing the related documents and literature, using questionnaires and focus group interviews of practitioners. 1,536 copies of questionnaires are administered to elementary and junior high school teachers, 1,036 of which are valid. The major findings are as follows: (1) The literature of theoretical foundations of Grades 1-9 Curriculum Guideline is scarce; development of the guideline is always precedes the theoretical construction. (2) Empirical studies of the implementation of the guideline is cumulative in quantity while lacking of breadth and deepness. (3) There is still space for further clarification and revision of the guideline after the minor modification of the guideline in 2008. (4) The average scores of all dimensions of the questionnaire and those of all items within each dimension are all above 3.5 on the 5-point scale, signifying the respondents are positive in the implementation of the curriculum guideline.