Економіка, управління та адміністрування (Jul 2023)
The essence, models and stages of the formation and implementation of state policy in the field of culture in modern Ukraine
The theoretical and practical coverage and improvement of the main principles of the essence, models and stages of the formation and implementation of the state policy in the field of culture in modern Ukraine is carried out in the article. A conceptual framework is proposed which reflects the essence of cultural policy in the form of a three-level model that considers culture at the mega-, macro-, and micro-levels, in relation to nature (mega-level), politics and economy (macro-level), and a human (micro-level). Two configurations of state policy models in the field of culture are considered and characterized: 1) liberal, partly state, state bureaucratic-enlightenment, state prestige-enlightenment, national-emancipation; 2) populist, paternalistic, cultural, sociodynamic. It has been proven that the basic criterion for choosing one or another model is the meaning and function of culture in society at a specific stage of its development. It is substantiated and suggested that the modern Ukrainian state should move to an open access model of state policy in the field of culture based on partnership interaction. It has been proven that in order to ensure the transition to the open access model, it is necessary to implement the following two main institutional goals: 1) implement a participatory model of governance in the field of culture, which will function on the basis of open access and contribute to the sustainability of the cultural sector; 2) to establish a socially oriented model of activity of cultural institutions of the budgetary and non-budgetary sectors. The concept of "socially oriented institutions" is revealed. The following 8 main stages of the formation and implementation of the state policy in the field of culture are characterized, as: 1) definition of the problem; 2) formation of the "agenda"; 3) development of solutions to the problem; 4) policy selection; 5) policy planning; 6) policy implementation; 7) policy evaluation; 8) policy review. It was found that the above-mentioned stages are given disproportionate attention in modern Ukraine: public attention is most focused on the stage of planning and the stage of implementation of state policy in the field of culture.