Le rapport à l’écriture en groupe
This paper presents some theoretical elaboration on the relation to writing in a professional practices analysis group using writing. This device is first located relative to others which alternate writing and discussion group. The paper then proposes to consider this type of device as a mediated group, building on the theoretical proposals forged by the so-called Lyonnaise School of Clinical Psychology. This proposal allows him to consider the report (s) to the writing in this group of analysis of practices, as pertaining to certain forms of transfer to the malleable medium that constitutes writing. This research focuses on a single clinical case: the material collected consists of two monographs written almost ten years apart by the same student, and an interview. In this article, the analysis focuses on multilateral transfers, working in this group. The analysis of a monograph written in a group of students enrolled in Training of Trainers is a possibility to formulate new hypotheses on transfers in this type of group.