Vědecké Práce Ovocnářské (May 2021)
Růstové a plodové charakteristiky nových odrůd jabloně 'Antopa' a 'Idapaz' [Tree and fruit characteristics of two apple novelties 'Antopa' and 'Idapaz']
Apple cultivar ´Antopa´ originated from a crossing of ´Angold´ and ´Topaz´ that has been realized in RBIP Holovousy in 1998. Apple cultivar ´Idapaz´ has emerged from a crossing HL 13 (HL 324 x ´Idared´) and ´Topaz´ that has also been carried out in RBIP Holovousy in 2001. Upon State variety trials, it was logged in 2013, and registered and legally protected in the Czech Republic since 2018. In this study, we compared their tree and fruit characteristics with the three standard cultivars ´Gala´, ´Golden Delicious´, and ´Jonagold´ growing in the same experimental orchard. The tree vigour of the novelty ´Antopa´ is similar to ´Gala´. ´Antopa´ with the longest storable fruits is resistant to scab. None of the new cultivars is susceptible to storage disorders. Fruits of both novelties are attractive and their taste is very good to excellent.