Arthroscopy Techniques (Oct 2014)
Capsulotomy First: A Novel Concept for Hip Arthroscopy
Capsulotomy during hip arthroscopy improves the mobility of arthroscopic instruments and helps gain greater access to key areas of the hip. During the past decade, its use has expanded dramatically as the complexity of hip arthroscopy has advanced. We report a novel approach for hip arthroscopy that consists of performing an extra-articular capsulotomy under endoscopic control before exploration of the hip joint. The principle of this new concept is to replicate an anterior Hueter approach of the hip joint. We describe the surgical technique and discuss its advantages compared with conventional hip arthroscopy techniques using either a peripheral- or central-compartment starting point. This new approach is easy to master, can be performed with a 30° optic system, does not require fluoroscopic assistance, allows a reduction in both the force and duration of traction, and reduces the risk of labral or chondral damage.