پژوهشهای بذر ایران (Mar 2017)
An Investigation into Germination Patterns of Common Lambsquarters (Chenopodium album) in Reaction to Temperature, Salinity and Waterlogging Stress
Gaining insights into the germination and emergence patterns of weeds as well as the factors which have an impact on these patterns is beneficial for weeds management programs. In order to investigate the effect of temperature, waterlogging and salinity on germination and emergence of common lambsquarters, three separate experiments were conducted, adopting a completely randomized design with four replications. The results of the temperature experiment showed that the highest germination percentages, which were 87, 93 and 88%, were obtained in the temperature range of 15, 20 and 25°C, respectively. Maximum values of germination rate, radicle length, plumule length, and seedling dry weight were obtained at 20°C. In addition, optimum seed vigor index of 796.29 was observed at 20°C. The results of the Regression Model showed that germination percentage decreased with an increase in waterlogging duration and halted after 8 and 10 days of consecutive waterlogging. Mean comparisons revealed that radicle and plumule length, seedling dry weight and vigor index decreased significantly by increasing the period of waterlogging. Salinity adversely affected germination percentage, germination rate and seedling dry weight of common lambsquarters. These factors were at their highest amounts in the control and 50 mM NaCl treatments. A downward trend was observed in these factors as NaCl concentrations increased and finally the germination process stopped in concentrations ranging from 300 to 400 mM NaCl. Radicle and plumule length also decreased from 10.51 and 9.23 cm in the control treatment to 3.57 and 2.47 cm at 250 mM NaCl. Overall, the results revealed that the maximum seed vigor index of 851.84 was obtained in the control treatment and seed vigor halted when the salinity level increased to more than 250 mM NaCl. Finally, the results showed that optimum temperature for germination of common lamsquarters was 20 °C and the existence of salinity and waterlogging stress can decrease growth indices of this weed at germination and seedling stages.