Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica (Mar 2019)
Selected qualitative parameters above-ground phytomass of the Lenor-first Slovak cultivar of Festulolium A. et Gr.
The aim of this experiment was to compare selected qualitative parameters in above-ground phytomass of the first Slovak cultivar of Festulolium A et. Gr. cv. Lenor in compare earlier registered cultivars Felina and Hykor. The pot experiment was conducted at the Demonstrating and research base of the Department of Grassland Ecosystems and Forage Crops, Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra (Slovak Republic) with controlled moisture conditions (shelter) in 2017. Content of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, crude fiber and water soluble carbohydrates were determined from dry above-ground phytomass of grasses. The significantly highest (P<0.05) nitrogen content in average of cuts was in above-ground phytomass of Felina (30.3 than Hykor (25.4 and new intergeneric hybrid Lenor (25.0 At the least content of phosphorus was found out in hybrid Lenor (3.4 In average of three cuts was the least concentration of potassium in new intergeneric hybrid Lenor (5.8 At least content of calcium was found out in hybrid Lenor (7.0 Magnesium concentration of was from 5.0 (Hykor) to 6.1 (Felina). Higher (P<0.05) fiber content in average of cuts was in above-ground phytomass of Lenor (27.0 %) and Hykor (26.5%) than Felina (24.0%). The highest concentration of water soluble carbohydrates has in Hykor and Lenor (3.5%).